P Homecare as NDIS Short Term Accommodation Providers

What is NDIS Short-term accommodation providers?

Support for participants who need to live away from home for a brief period is known as short-term accommodation, and it can be used to provide caregivers and participants with a break.

In essence, STA seeks to provide participants with the financial means to cover the costs of lodging, meals, activities, and care that can all be bundled into a single stay away from their primary residence.

But as you dive into the specifics, it becomes clear that things with the NDIS are more complicated than they first appear. What is evident is this:

A participant's budget for Core Supports is used for STA.

Since it is typically funded at a group rate, they are more likely to accept STA claims from particular providers who accommodate several participants at once.

Price caps for all support items, including all costs incurred during the 24-hour period, such as lodging, food, and negotiated activities, as well as help with self-care or community access activities, must be taken into account in STA invoices.

If a participant has STA included in their plan, they will receive funding for up to 28 days of lodging annually; however, they can only reserve rooms for up to 14 days at a time. A participant may reserve two 14-day stays (or anything in between) or multiple stays of two or three days during any given year.

Even if STA is not required by their plan, participants may still be able to pay for it if it meets the following requirements: it is relevant to their disability; it facilitates their goal-pursuit; and it meets the reasonable and necessary criteria.

To put it briefly, the NDIA makes it very clear that STA cannot be used as a means of vacation. This is straight from the website of the NDIS guidelines:

Why Phomecare

We only provide funding for short-term housing when it is necessary for reasons related to your disability, like skill development or respite. If you require your disability support to be provided at a different location while you are on vacation, speak with your Early Childhood Partner, Support Coordinator, local area coordinator, or planner.


Although the NDIS aims to provide participants with choice and control, in practice, this means that if their need for NDIS short term accommodation isn't explicitly stated in their Plan, their LACs or NDIA planners will have to decide what constitutes reasonable and necessary STA.

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